The New Reality: Working and Schooling from Home

Where are your kids taking their fall classes? Remotely or in their school building? 

Many parents have a dedicated home office set-up, but how many of us have a dedicated remote learning zone at home for our children?

Having an appealing and well-organized “school” & study zone at home can help your student to focus, stay organized and establish a better work-from-home attitude and schedule. Here are some clever and idea generating solutions.

Family Friendly Workstation: 

Have a dedicated work area for parents? 

Add a desk and everyone can be there to do their own work and help each other!

Computer Lab: 

Sometimes we have to share computers and almost always need to share the printer.

Setting up a long desk enables everyone to do their own work and have access to sharing the computer/printer. Set up a section to keep school supplies on hand and accessible to all.

 Hallway/Nook Remote learning Station:

You’d be surprised at the places you can use to create functional and pleasing spaces to work.

A shelf in a hallway with file cabinets as a base; a tucked away corner; a slim counter in the family room or underused section in the kitchen dining room. Think about the spaces in your home or apartment that can be adapted.

Closet Transformation or a stair landing:

We almost never have enough closet space for clothing, but sometimes where there’s a will there’s a way! How about the landing on the second floor of your home? What about that awkward space at the end of a hallway? Lofting a bed and utilizing the space underneath, is similar to how college students do it in their dorm rooms. 

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